Iubirea autentica de sine nu inseamna egoism …
Un barbat isi doreste deseori sa se simta “acasa ” in bratele unei femei sau in casa de care ea se ingrijeste.
Femeia poate sa ofere “acasa”, si mai mult decat atat in jurul ei, si in bratele in care il primeste pe barbat cat si in casa pe care o ingrijeste, atat timp cat ea se simte “acasa” in fiinta ei …
A man often wishes to feel “home” in the arms of a woman or in the house she is caring for.
The woman can give “home”, and more than that to everything around, both in the arms within she welcomes the man and home she is caring for, as long as she feels at “home”, within herself …
Iubirea autentica de sine nu inseamna egoism. Ea reprezinta intotdeauna un izvor curat pentru a darui si pentru a crea in jur, un univers plin de iubire.
The true self love does not mean selfishness. It is always a pure source to give and to create a universe around, that is filled with love.
Mi-am potrivit randurile cu o pictura de Lori Portka – Thank you Lori, for such a lovely painting filled with so much love and joy !!